Exercise Classes
Pilates is a great form of exercise for the both the deconditioned and the most athletic! Sign up for your classes now.
Pilates is a great form of exercise for the both the deconditioned and the most athletic! Sign up for your classes now.
Amanda Smith - Licensed Physical Therapist, certified Pilates instructor, ACE certified Group Exercise Instructor, ACE certified Health Coach, Certified McKenzie Therapist. Ready to help you become stronger and healthier in a safe, fun and holistic manner.
Golfing season is around the corner…start working on your “golfer’s lift” now
Mighty triceps push-up! Just a few more days left for you to buy the December special…buy a package of 5 classes ($85) and receive the 6th class for FREE! Transform your body in 2019!
Pilates Exercise
It looks like synchronized swimming but it is Pilates!
Pilates Studio: Working like a “magician “ in our Tower class!
Pilates Studio: Working like a “magician “ in our Tower class!
Pilates Studio: Working like a “magician “ in our Tower class!
Pilates Studio: Opening the hips after a great Pilates workout!
Golfing season is around the corner…start working on your “golfer’s lift” now
Mighty triceps push-up! Just a few more days left for you to buy the December special…buy a package of 5 classes ($85) and receive the 6th class for FREE! Transform your body in 2019!
Pilates Exercise
It looks like synchronized swimming but it is Pilates!
Pilates Studio: Working like a “magician “ in our Tower class!
Pilates Studio: Working like a “magician “ in our Tower class!
Pilates Studio: Working like a “magician “ in our Tower class!
Pilates Studio: Opening the hips after a great Pilates workout!